Cached web page server

I'm a big fan of computers from 90s and Internet of that time. Early Linux distros, first complex desktop managers like Gnome and KDE, first media apps like XMMS, even Windows 3.11 and 9x had their charm. So was the early Internet, created with help of nothing more than simple text editors, consisting mostly of pure HTML, full of colorful JPEGs and GIFs. I really miss those times...

While I'm aware of pages like Internet Archive Wayback Machine and totaly awesome The Old Net, it's almost impossible to use these on retro computers running outdated web browsers. Another thing is that connecting PC from 90s to modern Internet not only raises a huge security risk, also accessing any modern webpage would be simply not possible - current revision of HTML language and everything-SSL will prevent you from that. There is another way though.

The approach I've taken requires setting up a FreeBSD server on a Raspberry Pi 3B, which will serve web page dumps as vhosts using Lighttpd HTTP server and Dnsmasq working as a local DNS server, redirecting all DNS queries to Raspberry Pi's HTTP server.

In addition ProFTPD FTP server and Samba SMB server will be set to serve installation files and drivers of your choice and allow you to easilly upload new cached web pages.

In another article I will cover setting up an IMAPS and POPS to POP proxy and SMTP over SSL with authentication to plain SMTP without authentication proxy, allowing old email clients to use modern email services. To even improve the experience, a dial-in server to which you can directly hook up any modem can also be set based on a Cisco router like C1760. I've been able to set it up and will provide a guide on that.

Our retro Internet gateway will allow easy adding and removing web pages by simply placing them in a directory named after the target domain name, like f.e. in a specific location. Two Python apps will take care of updating Lighttpd and Dnsmasq configuration and generating the index page holding a list of all available cached web sites.

In the end I've found out that Apache, while generally more resource hungry, provides better experience than Lighttpd as it can serve pages in a case insensitive manner. In the old days of DOS and Windows almost nobody really cared about using the same case for file name and it's reference in code.

I did my best to make this guide as simple to follow as possible so if you have any experience in Linux or BSD you shouldn't run into much trouble.

  1. Install FreeBSD on Raspberry Pi by flashing the disk image on a microSD card. You can fetch the latest FreeBSD RPi 3 image from here.

  2. Perform initial setup, create a non-root user (type $ useradd --help to get more info). Login with that account and escalate your privileges using $ su or $ sudo -s command, depending on your preference - all actions below have to be performed using privileged account (root).

  3. Perform network and time setup in /etc/rc.conf, in this guide I will call the host revgate:

    ifconfig_ue0="inet RPI.LAN.IP netmask NETMASK"
  4. Set date:

    $ date
  5. OPTIONAL: Localization

    1. Configure locales in /etc/login.conf, example below covers Polish locales:
      polish|Polish Users Accounts:\
    2. Create binary config from the /etc/login.conf file:
      $ cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf
    3. Set language for your non-root user using vipw command:
    4. Set keymap in /etc/rc.conf, in this example Polish Programmers using UTF-8 encoding:
  6. Perform intial setup of package manager:

    $ pkg

    Confirm when prompted.

  7. Update local package repository:

    $ pkg update
  8. Install basic tools:

    $ pkg install wget vim-console mc-light sudo tmux
  9. Install current timezone data:

    $ cd ~
    $ wget
    $ tar zxvf tzdata-latest.tar.gz
    $ mkdir zoneinfo
    $ zic -d zoneinfo -p Europe/Warsaw -m 444 -L leapseconds -y africa antarctica asia australasia etcetera europe factory northamerica southamerica systemv
    $ cp zoneinfo
    $ mv /usr/share/zoneinfo /usr/share/zoneinfo_orig
    $ mv zoneinfo /usr/share
  10. Setup timezone:

    $ tzsetup
  11. Update ports tree:

    $ portsnap fetch && portsnap extract
  12. Install ProFTPD FTP server, you can use it to upload new web page caches or serve some files like drivers, programs, etc. to your retro gear, it's not necessary but highly suggested as almost every retro OS supports FTP. If you don't want to use FTP, skip to point 19.:

    $ pkg install proftpd
  13. Enable ProFTPD in /etc/rc.conf by setting proftpd_enable="YES".

  14. Create a scoreboard file:

    $ touch /var/run/proftpd.scoreboard
  15. Setup FTP directories:

    $ mkdir /usr/home/ftp
    $ cd /usr/home/ftp
    $ mkdir upload pub
    $ chown nobody:nogroup upload
    $ chmod 5777 upload
    $ chmod 5775 pub
  16. Configure ProFTPD by editing the /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf file:

    ServerName          "RevGate FTP Server"
    ServerType          standalone
    DefaultServer           on
    ScoreboardFile          /var/run/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard
    SystemLog           /var/log/proftpd.sys
    TransferLog         /var/log/proftpd.xfer
    ServerLog           /var/log/proftpd.serv
    Port                21
    UseIPv6             off
    Umask               022
    MaxInstances            1000
    CommandBufferSize       512
    User                nobody
    Group               nogroup
    DefaultRoot         /usr/home/ftp
    AllowOverwrite          on
    AllowRetrieveRestart        on
    UseEncoding         cp1250 cp1250
    <Limit SITE_CHMOD
    <Limit LOGIN>
    <Limit ALL>
    <Directory /usr/home/ftp/upload>
    <Limit STOR STOU>
    <Directory /usr/home/ftp/pub>
    <Limit READ>
    <Directory /usr/home/ftp>
    <Limit ALL>
    AllowUser hekarath
    MaxClients 100
    <Anonymous /usr/home/ftp>
    <Limit LOGIN>
    <Directory /usr/home/ftp/upload>
    <Limit ALL>
    <Directory /usr/home/ftp/pub>
    <Limit READ>
    User ftp
    Group ftp
    UserAlias anonymous ftp
    RequireValidShell off
  17. Add FTP user:

    $ vipw
    ftp:*:14:14:ftp:0:0:FTP User:*:*
  18. Start ProFTPD server:

    $ service proftpd start
  19. Install Samba SMB server, it can serve the very same purpose as the previously set FTP server. If you don't need it, simply skip to point 23.:

    $ pkg install samba48
  20. Enter Samba configuration in /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf. pub folder is read-only, you can put there installation files for drivers and programs, etc. upload is read-write to everyone, same goes for cache where you can place your cached web pages:

    dns proxy =  no
    load printers = no
    disable spoolss = yes
    guest account = nobody
    map to guest = Bad Password
    workgroup = HNET
    server string = RevGate SMB Server
    netbios name = RevGate
    hostname lookups = yes
    local master = no
    wins support = no
    security = user
    create mask = 0777
    directory mask = 0777
    path = /usr/home/ftp/pub
    printable = no
    writeable = no
    browseable = yes
    only guest = yes
    path = /usr/home/ftp/upload
    printable = no
    writable = yes
    browseable = yes
    only guest = yes
    path = /usr/home/www/cache
    printable = no
    writable = yes
    browseable = yes
    only guest = yes
  21. Enable Samba in /etc/rc.conf:

  22. Start Samba:

    $ service samba_server start
  23. Install Lighttpd server:

    $ pkg install lighttpd
  24. Enable Lighttpd in /etc/rc.conf:

  25. Create WWW directory for the Index file:

    $ mkdir -p /usr/home/www/data
  26. Update main lighttpd configuration in /usr/local/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf:

    var.log_root    = "/var/log/lighttpd"
    var.server_root = "/usr/local/www/lighttpd"
    var.state_dir   = "/var/run"
    var.home_dir    = "/var/run/lighttpd"
    var.conf_dir    = "/usr/local/etc/lighttpd"
    var.vhosts_dir  = server_root + "/vhosts"
    var.cache_dir   = "/var/cache/lighttpd"
    var.socket_dir  = home_dir + "/sockets"
    include "modules.conf"
    server.port = 80
    server.use-ipv6 = "disable"
    server.username  = "www"
    server.groupname = "www"
    server.document-root = "/usr/home/www" + "/data" = state_dir + "/"
    server.errorlog             = log_root + "/error.log"
    include "conf.d/access_log.conf"
    include "conf.d/debug.conf"
    server.event-handler = "freebsd-kqueue" = "writev"
    server.max-fds = 2048
    server.stat-cache-engine = "simple"
    server.max-connections = 1024
    "index.xhtml", "index.html", "index.htm", "default.htm", "index.php"
    url.access-deny             = ( "~", ".inc" )
    $HTTP["url"] =~ "\.pdf$" {
    server.range-requests = "disable"
    static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".php", ".pl", ".fcgi", ".scgi" )
    include "conf.d/mime.conf"
    include "conf.d/dirlisting.conf"
    server.follow-symlink = "enable"
    server.upload-dirs = ( "/var/tmp" )
    include "/usr/local/etc/lighttpd/vhosts.d/*.conf"
    $SERVER["socket"] == "" { }
  27. Start Lighttpd:

    $ service lighttpd start
  28. Install Dnsmasq server:

    pkg install Dnsmasq
  29. Update main Dnsmasq configuration in /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf:

  30. Sample redirections for /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.revgate:

  31. Enable Dnsmasq in /etc/rc.conf:

  32. Start Dnsmasq

    $ service dnsmasq start
  33. Place the in /usr/local/share/revgate directory and link the app to /usr/local/bin.

  34. Add to crontab:

    $ crontab -e
    */15 * * * * /usr/local/bin/

That's it. Now you should be able to access cached web pages using your favorite retro web browser.